Elaina Carrera is a successful NGA competitor and personal trainer who is great in front of the camera. We worked with her at contests and in the studio last year and hope to do so again.
At present, we a doing prep progress photos with two NGA Classic Physique competitors, Eric Landrum and Braxton Smith.
Musclehead Graphics followers already know Eric from his page here and the 2020 Calendars — awesome model and competitor. We’ll be updating his page soon.
Braxton is new to bodybuilding competitions and to modeling, but he’s been a competitor all his life, most recently being a cheerleader on the University of Kentucky championship team four consecutive years. There’s a preview of this awesome model on the portfolio page with much more to come. We’re super excited to be working with him as he approaches his first show, coached by Josh lMiller.
Thanks for stopping by and hit contact us for information on the models and available prints.